Revistă de Ştiinţe Socio-Umane nr. 3 (43) 2019 |
Maria Pleşca | Emotional intelligence – interaction factor in conflict | 6 |
Rodica Ursachi | Spiritual valences in the ceramics of the Cucuteni-Tripolie culture. Between faith and art | 11 |
Lidia Strah | Linguistic diversity – an essential factor in plurilingual education | 23 |
Lidia Strah | The functions of the text in a specific communication situation | 28 |
Мога Николай Данилович | Special means of correctional physical education for young children with spastic syndrome of motor disorders | 35 |
Мога Николай Данилович | The system of correction motor of violations in children of early age with spastic syndrome by means of physical education | 46 |
Nina Puţuntean | The diacronic perspective in approaching the concept of „literary-artistic value” | 58 |
Oxana Golubovschi | Methodological approaches to the development of translation competence | 67 |
Oxana Golubovschi | Conceptual clarifications regarding the evolution of the term | 78 |
Lilia Herța | Proverbs and Sayings as Reflection of the English Culture | 87 |
Lilia Herța | Experimental Study of the Use of Proverbs in Forming the Communicative Competence at University Level | 95 |
Iulianna Mogîldea | La méthodologie de valorisation l’environnement scolaire dans le contexte de l’education sociale | 101 |
Emilia Stajila | The Near East mirage in the poetry of Ion Minulescu | 109 |